Friday, January 9, 2009

Beaded Necklaces

My collection of beaded necklaces began about a year and a half ago. I mentioned to Hilery how much I loved the look of chunky beaded necklaces, but just didn't think I could 'pull it off'. For my birthday that year, arrived the first of these and my collection has been growing ever since. All but just two or three are made by my talented girl, just for me, the others I've purchased here and there. My favorites are those she's crafted, though. As my collection has grown, so has my need for a place to keep them tidy and accessible. I woke up one day last weekend with the epiphany of putting S-hooks off the high wire shelf that Bob hung in the closet for storage of my other special collection (purses). Well....... then there are the floor to ceiling racks for the shoe collection.....What's a girl to do????? At least I have an understanding spouse, and a daughter with endless creativity! Thanks to you both!


Ginny said...

Great idea -- Heloise would approve !! Love, Mom

Anonymous said...

Aw, aren't you sweet! I just love making them, so glad you have extra room for them!